Bengal Cat and Kitten Advice
Bengal Cat Advice From A Bengal Breeder
You may have owned a dog as well as a cat. You’re dog probably travels well. Start your cat on that same path. Start young, and your cat will not be a scaredy cat.
We breeders often provide your new kitten with those first few car trips and socialization of the ‘out of doors’.
If you don’t want to let your cat out of doors. That is your personal decision.
If you decide to allow your cats out, you should continue the pattern. Don’t force your kitten inside when calling it in. Give it a chance to do so on its own. The same goes for bathing your Bengal. Bengals love water, but let them learn on their own.
Don’t worry, soon you will be able to bath your Bengal cat without any worries of claws and hair everywhere.
Like your furniture? Get a cat tree. Buy it or make it. And your cat will provide you with hours of entertainment as well as solace in the knowledge that your good couch is not its scratching post.
Important Information About Bengal Cat Health
You may want to learn more about your Bengals health by reading up on FIP, a deadly non-curable disease that inflicts cats of all breeds. We also would like you to be informed about de-clawing. Why you should not de-claw your cat. Equally important is Spaying/Neutering.
Learn more about when and why to fix your Bengal.