Aluren is a T.I.C.A. "Cattery of Excellence"

Aluren is a TICA cattery of excellence. We’ve been breeding Bengal cats, Toygers and other exotic cats for over 30 years. Aluren is one of T.I.C.A.’s longest standing Bengal breeders. We are one of the earliest cattery’s with T.I.C.A.

Aluren is one of the longest standing members of Bengal cat breeders in T.I.C.A. and is a "Cattery of Excellence".
Aluren's cattery number 6156 is evidence of just how long we've been a registered T.I.C.A. cattery.


Pat has bred Bengals since the 1980s. Her knowledge and understanding of the breed is among the most informed. She rubbed shoulders with everyone who’s anyone in Bengal cats from Jean Mill to Gene Ducote.  

Her cattery was located in Elmer, New Jersey for almost the entire time in breeding. There she raised cats, her children and lived happily with her husband, Frank until he passed in recent years. 

Pat then did what any single woman with cats would do. She relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida! 

After a few years in Florida, Pat finally returned north where she now resides in Long Island, New York. 

Our Address

Relocated in 2025
Long Island, New York

37 Elizabeth Way
Ridge, NY, 11961

Contact Info


TEXT ONLY: 856-305-8147


Aluren Bengal Breeders

Member: TICA 

Member: TIBCS

Member: LCWW

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Content Manager: Lars Hindsley